What is CPU computer - jhakkashstory


Friday, 24 April 2020

What is CPU computer

CPU Computer
CPU Computer

The full form CPU is Central Processing Unit processes the input data, for this both the Central Processing Unit and the Arithmetic Calculation Unit perform Arithmetic Calculation and logical calculation and process the data called CPU as the brain of the computer. Let's come know what is Central processing unit?

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What Is Central Processing Unit

In the Computer Architecture, the Central Processing Unit remains in the center, the data and instructions are entered into the computer by the input unit and then the Central Processing Unit data Processes and gives you the output, it uses its two parts to process the data: Arithmetic Logic Unit and Control Unit.

Prior to processing, the data contained in the primary memory  and the instructions which are transferred to the arithmetic logic unit and their processing work is there, the results obtained from the Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) are the primary memory. Is transferred to and after the processing is finished, the data left in the primary memory or the final result is an output div. You are transported through this output device.

When to take data from input device, when to put data in store unit, when to take data from value and when that data is processed, when to send it to output device, it works.

Arithmetic Logic Unit

Arithmetic Logic Unit performs Arithmetic Calculation and Logical calculation, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and <,>, =, yes or no.

Control Unit

The Control Unit controls all the work happening on the computer and coordinates the input, output devices, and all the activities of the Arithmetic Logic Unit.

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What Is Core In Processor

A core CPU is a computation unit or chip inside a processor, a single core is called a Single Core Processor. The power of the processor depends on the Gigahertz (GHz), that is, the more GHz the processor is. (GHz). Now let's talk again about, what are the dual-core, quad-core, octa-core of the core?

The Single Core Processor used to hang more and more, so to increase its capacity, additional cores are installed in the processor, based on their number, the names of the processors are known.

Dual Core Processor
Quad Core Processor
Hexa Core Processor
Octa Core Processor
Deca Core Processor

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