Booting process of computer step by step - jhakkashstory


Friday, 17 April 2020

Booting process of computer step by step

Booting process of computer step by step
Booting process of computer step by step

Booting process of computer step by step

When you press the power button or the start button of a computer, the computer has many processes before Windows starts, including booting is a necessary process.

What is a computer booting

When you start a computer, the CPU and the BIOS scan the computer together, in which the computer detects which devices are connected to the motherboard and whether they are working properly or not. It consists of testing of RAM, display, hard disk etc. This process is called post.

When the computer completes the post process, the BIOS searches the booting device, it searches the booting file in each boot device, firstly First Boot Device, then Second Boot Device followed by Third Boot Device and if the booting file is not found in it, then Boot Other Device, BIOS, in which the first booting file is also found. He boots the computer from the same and starts loading the operating system into the computer.

Those who install Windows from a CD or DVD select CDROM as the first boot device, but not everyone can boot a BIOS computer from a CD, for this, a boot able CD or DVD DVD), being boot able means that it should have a booting file so that the BIOS can read it.

If there is no (boot able media) in your computer, then you will see the error of Insert Boot Media Disk, the error can be seen even when you are not booting from the computer hard disk.

Type of Booting

There are two types of booting in the computer,

  1. Cold booting 
  2. Warm booting.

What is Cold booting 

When you start a computer by pressing the power button or the start button of the computer of the CPU, it is called cold booting.

What is  Warm Booting 

In the event of a computer hanging, pressing Alt + Ctrl + Del through the keyboard or using the restart button, the process of rebooting the computer is also called Warm Booting or Reboot.

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